Tranzit Coachlines supports Wellington Free Ambulance

April 2024

Connecting the Community

Prior to introducing New Zealand’s first 100% electric bus fleet into Manawatū in partnership with Horizons Regional Council, our team was out and about in the community explaining the upcoming time table changes and fleet changes to passengers.

Our Tranzit Coachlines Manawatū team members teamed up with representatives from Horizons Regional Council to attend the Albert Street Market, Highbury Flea Market as well as several events at Massey University. Not only were they a great opportunity to show off our new electric buses, that can seat 25 passengers, have room for two wheel chairs and other walking frames, a bike rack and the ability to charge your phone whilst travelling, it was great chatting with students and staff at the Te Tira Ahu Pae Campus Carnival explaining how there will be more frequent services into town and that Massey internal students and staff are entitled to free travel within Palmerston North on any urban or Massey service. Reminding them of this great benefit brought dozens of smiling faces.

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Dave Murray