Supporting our locals
We love helping out the locals who are doing great things in our community. Here are a few recent stories where we stepped in to help.
Connecting the Community
April 2024
Connecting the Community
Prior to introducing New Zealand’s first 100% electric bus fleet into Manawatū in partnership with Horizons Regional Council, our team was out and about in the community explaining the upcoming time table changes and fleet changes to passengers.
Our Tranzit Coachlines Manawatū team members teamed up with representatives from Horizons Regional Council to attend the Albert Street Market, Highbury Flea Market as well as several events at Massey University. Not only were they a great opportunity to show off our new electric buses, that can seat 25 passengers, have room for two wheel chairs and other walking frames, a bike rack and the ability to charge your phone whilst travelling, it was great chatting with students and staff at the Te Tira Ahu Pae Campus Carnival explaining how there will be more frequent services into town and that Massey internal students and staff are entitled to free travel within Palmerston North on any urban or Massey service. Reminding them of this great benefit brought dozens of smiling faces.
Tranzit’s collaboration with new Martinborough mural
March 2024
Tranzit’s collaboration with new Martinborough mural
The wine village of Martinborough’s new wall mural depicts a family of native birds with strong connections to the Wairarapa.
The mural, designed and painted by Manawatu artist Joe McMenamin, is part of the reignited Marty Mural Walk – a continuation of The Martinborough Mural Walk Project that came into being five years ago bringing public art to the village.
In recent years no new works had been added, until Charlotte Harding had a desire to reignite the project under its new name Marty Mural Walk.
The first new artwork to come about is thanks to the collaboration between Harding and Tranzit, as owners of a property in the village. With Tranzit preparing to celebrate its centenary in 2025, we wanted to revitalise the property and loved how the muralist Joe, wove a family connection into the artwork.
The mural features a family of native birds including the Karearea falcon and a white kiwi with a nod to Pukaha National Wildlife Centre, who has a long association with Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa.
Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa supports Wellington Free Ambulance
July 2023
Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa supports Wellington Free Ambulance
Tranzit responded to the call for support to help build the new $3million Wairarapa Ambulance Station in Masterton. Tranzit donated $10,000 to the station build project and provided hugely valuable back of bus advertising on one bus, free of charge.
Claire Carruthers, General Manager of Fundraising and Communications at Wellington Free Ambulance said: “we can’t thank Tranzit enough – not only are they generously donating to support the build, but they will also be helping to raise awareness and more donations from all across the region with the massive coverage that the bus back with give this campaign.”
Digging In
July 2023
Digging In
Members of our Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa team helped out at a special tree planting day to celebrate Matariki. Organised by the Carterton District Council and the area’s mana whenua, the community was invited to plant native trees in an old county reserve, Ngā Tāwhai, that is being restored and repurposed for recreational enjoyment. Not only did our team assist with transport on the day, but also mucked in by planting dozens of native trees and plants that will help restore the area and protect it for future generations to enjoy.
Creating memorable experiences for Hawkes Bay kids
July 2023
Creating memorable experiences for Hawkes Bay kids
For the second year running, Tranzit provided memorable experiences for kids to run out onto McLean Park in Napier with the Magpies NPC rugby team during home games. Tranzit offered kids from five primary schools throughout the region this memorable experience. Not only did the kids meet their rugby heroes, run out onto McLean Park and get a feel for all that happens behind the scenes on a big game day, but they were able to a parent or care-giver to the game and enjoy a terrific day out.
Supporting the Arts
June 2023
Supporting the Arts
In Taranaki, Tranzit has long supported the Taranaki Arts Festival Trust which each year brings incredible events to the region. Our team particularly loved making a splash wrapping one of our buses in hot pink for the Priscilla Queen of the Desert show.